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Lew, A.A. (2024) Why travel?: life explorations and ‘Tourism Geographies’ in a world of travel, in Tourism Geographies, Volume 26 Issue 8 - free eprint (up to 50 downloads)
Lew, A.A.; Cheer, Joseph M.; Haywood, Michael; Brouder, Patrick; and Salazar, Noel. (2020). Visions of travel and tourism after the global COVID-19 transformation of 2020. Tourism Geographies, 22:3, 455-466. (special issue introduction) - also see: Resilience Theory Tells Us to Get Ready for an Innovation Explosion Thanks to COVID-19
Galvani, Adriana; Lew, A.A.; and Sotelo Perez, Maria. (2020). COVID-19 is expanding global consciousness and the sustainability of travel and tourism. Tourism Geographies, 22:3, 567-576. (commentary)
Lew, Alan A. (2020). Global conscious as a path to sustainable tourism: A perspective paper. Tourism Review, 75:1, 69-75. DOI:10.1108/TR-07-2019-0291 (pre-publication)
Lew, Alan A. (2019). Landscapes, peoplescapes, and mindscapes in island tourism. In J. Randall, ed., Annual Report on Global Islands 2019, pp. 109-128. Charlottetown, PIE: Island Studies Press. (pdf direct download)
Merigó, José M.; Mulet-Forteza, Carles; Valencia, Cristina; & Lew, Alan A. (2019). Twenty years of Tourism Geographies: a bibliometric overview. Tourism Geographies, 21:5, 881-910, DOI: 10.1080/14616688.2019.1666913 [download free here - first 50 copies]
Lew, A.A. (2018). Why Travel? – Travel, Tourism and Global Consciousness. Tourism Geographies 20(4): 742-749. DOI: 10.1080/14616688.2018.1490343
Lew, A.A., Ni, Chin-Cheng; Wu, Tsung-Chiung, and Ng, Pin T. (2018). The Sustainable and Resilient Community: A new paradigm for community development. In A.A. Lew & Joseph Cheer, eds., Understanding Tourism Resilience: Adapting to Environmental Change, pp. 30-47. London: Routledge.
Lew, A.A., and Wu, Tsung-Chiung. (2018). Cultural Ecosystem Services, Tourism, and Community Resilience in Coastal Wetland Conservation in Taiwan. In A.A. Lew & Joseph Cheer, eds., Understanding Tourism Resilience: Adapting to Environmental Change, pp. 102-126. London: Routledge.
Cheer, J.M. and Lew, A.A. (2018). Understanding tourism resilience: Adapting to social, political, and economic change. In J. Cheer and A.A. Lew, editors. 2017. Tourism, Resilience, and Sustainability: Adapting to Social, Political and Economic Change, pages 3-17. London: Routledge.
Chen, Xiaoqing and Lew, A.A. (2018). Resilience and Tourism Development in the Context of Rural China. In Joseph Cheer and A.A. Lew, eds., Tourism, Resilience and Sustainability: Adapting to Social, Political and Economic Change, pp. 202-221. London: Routledge.
Lew, A.A. and Cheer, J. (2018). Lessons Learned: Globalization, Change, and Resilience in Tourism Communities. In J. Cheer and A.A. Lew, editors. 2017. Tourism, Resilience, and Sustainability: Adapting to Social, Political and Economic Change, pages 319-323. London: Routledge.
Lew, A.A. (2018). Planning for Slow Resilience in a Tourism Community Context. In Joseph Cheer and A.A. Lew, eds., Tourism, Resilience and Sustainability: Adapting to Social, Political and Economic Change, pp. 34-58. London: Routledge.
Lew, A.A.; Wu, Tsung-Chiung; Ni, Chin-Cheng; and Ng, Pin T. (2017). Community Tourism Resilience: Some applications of the Scale, Change and Resilience (SCR) Model. In Richard Butler, ed., Tourism and Resilience, pp. 23-37. Oxfordshire: CABI.
Lew, A.A. (2017). Tourism Planning and Place Making: Place-Making or Placemaking? Tourism Geographies, 19(3), 448-466. [download from Routledge free here - first 50 copies]
Cheer, Joseph and Lew, A.A. (2017). Sustainable Tourism Development: Toward Resilience in Tourism. Interactions: The official journal of the Geography Teachers’ Association of Victoria (Australia), 45 (1, March): 10-15.
Du, Ding, Lew, A.A. and Ng, Pin. (2016). Tourism and Economic Growth. Journal of Travel Research 55(4): 454-464. DOI: 0047287514563167
Lew, A.A. (2016). Chinese-American Foods: Geography, Culture and Tourism. Journal of East Asian Studies 14: 217-227.
Lew, A.A., Ng., Pin T., Ni, Chin-Cheng., and Wu, Tsung-Chiung. (2016). Community Sustainability and Resilience: Similarities, Differences and Indicators. Tourism Geographies 18(1): 18-27.
Wu, Yue-Fang, Xu, Hong-Gang, and Lew, A.A. (2015). Consumption-Led Mobilized Urbanism: Socio-Spatial Separation in the Second-Home City of Sanya. Mobilities 10(1): 136-154. DOI: 10.1080/17450101.2013.853952
Lew, A.A. (2014). Globalizing China’s Tourism Scholarship (English version). Tourism Tribune 29(1): 3-6 (translated and published in Chinese).
Hughes, Amy and Lew, A.A. (2013). Real Food in the US: Local Food Initiatives, Government and Tourism. In C.M. Hall and S. Gössling, eds., Sustainable Culinary Systems - Local Foods, Innovation, and Tourism and Hospitality, pp. 64-84. Oxford: Routledge.
Hall-Lew, Lauren A. and Lew, A.A. (2014). Speaking Heritage: Language, Identity and Tourism. In A.A. Lew, C.M. Hall and A.M. Williams, eds., The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Tourism, pp. 336-348. Oxford: Blackwell.
Lew, Alan A. (2014). Scale, Change and Resilience in Community Tourism Planning. Tourism Geographies 16(1): 14-22. (Research Frontiers), [revised post-publication version]
Lew, Alan A. (2013). Defining Community Resilience in Community Based Tourism: Miso Walai and Pulau Mabul in Sabah, Malaysia. BIMP-EAGA Journal of Sustainable Tourism Development 2(2):40-43.
Lew, Alan A. (2013). A World Geography of Recreational SCUBA Diving. In G.Musa and K. Dimmock, eds., Scuba Diving Tourism, pp. 29-51. Oxford: Routledge.
Lew, Alan A. (2012). Tourism Incognita: Experiencing the Liminal Edge of Destination Places. Études Caribéennes (Caribbean Studies), available online 24 November 2012, -- DOI: 10.4000/etudescaribeennes.5232
Ma, Ling and Lew, A.A. (2012). Historical and Geographical Context in Festival Tourism Development. Journal of Heritage Tourism 7(1): 13-23,
Ng, Pin T and Lew, A.A. (2012). Using Quantile Regression to Understand Visitor Spending. Journal of Travel Research 51(3): 278-288.
Lew, A.A. (2011). Tourism's Role in the Global Economy. Tourism Geographies 13(1): 148-151. DOI:
10.1080/14616688.2010.531046 (Commentary)Lew, A. A. (2011). Under Understanding Experiential Authenticity through the Best Tourism Places. Tourism Geographies 13(4): 570-575. DOI: 10.1080/14616688.2011.588245 (Commentary)
Huang, Xiang; Bao, Jigang; and Lew, A.A. (2011). Nature-based Tourism Resources Privatization in China: A System Dynamic Analysis of Opportunities and Risks. Tourism Recreation Research 36(2): 99-111.
Lew, A.A. 2010. Defining and Redefining Conceptual Frameworks for Social Science Field Research. In C.M. Hall, ed., Fieldwork in Tourism: Methods, Issues and Reflections, pp. 19-34. London: Routledge.
Lew, Alan A. and Fung, Cadi (2010). Social Media for Academic Programs and Departments. Graduate College: Northern Arizona University. (This is an internal report for the NAU Department of Geography, Planning and Recreation.)
Lew, Alan A. (2008). Long Tail Tourism: New geographies for marketing niche tourism products. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing 25(3/4): 409-419.
Lew, A.A. and Duval, David T. (2008). Geography and Tourism Marketing: Topical and disciplinary perspectives (introduction to special issue). Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing 25 (3/4): 229-232.
Xie, Philip Feifan and Lew, Alan A. (2008). Podcasting and Tourism: An Exploratory Study of Types, Approaches and Content. Information Technology & Tourism 10 : 173-180.
Lew, A.A. (2007). Social Software in Tourism, Event Management and Tourism Education. Paper presented at the 3rd Tourism Outlook Conference in conjunction with the Global Events Congress II, 16-18 July 2007, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Lew, Alan A. (2007). Pedestrian Shopping Streets in the Restructuring of the Chinese City. In T. Coles and A. Church, eds., Tourism, Power and Place, pp. 150-170. London: Routledge.
Lew, Alan A. (2007). Tourism Planning and Traditional Urban Planning Theory: Planners as Agents of Social Change. Leisure/Loisir: Journal of the Canadian Association of Leisure Studies 31(2):383-392.
Lew, Alan A. and McKercher, Bob. (2006) Modeling the Movement of Tourists in a Local Destination. Annals of Tourism Research 33(2): 403-423.
Lew, Alan A. and Wong, Alan (2005). Existential Tourism and the Homeland: The Overseas Chinese [Diaspora] Experience. In C. Cartier, C. and A.A. Lew, eds., Seductions of Place: Geographical perspectives on globalization and touristed landscapes, pp. 286-300 (Chapter 18), Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Lew, Alan A. and Wong, Alan (2004). Sojourners, Gangxi and Clan Associations: Social Capital and Overseas Chinese [Diaspora] Tourism to China. In D. Timothy and T. Coles, eds., Tourism, Diasporas and Space, pp. 202-214. London: Routledge.
McKercher, Bob and Lew, A.A. (2003). Distance Decay and the Impact of Effective Tourism Exclusion Zones on International Travel Flows. Journal of Travel Research 42 (2, November): 159-165.Lew, Alan A. and Wong, A. (2003). News from the Motherland: A content analysis of existential [diaspora] tourism magazines in China. Tourism Culture and Communication 4(2):83-94. (pre-publication version)
Lew, A.A. and Kennedy, C.L. (2002). Tourism and Culture Clash in American Indian Country. In S. Krakover
and Y. Gradus, eds., Tourism in Frontier Areas, pp.259-283. Lexington: Lexington Books. (pre-publication version)Lew, Alan A. and Wong, A. (2002). Tourism and the Chinese Diaspora. In C.M. Hall and A.M. Williams, eds., Tourism and Migration: New Relationships Between Production and Consumption, pp. 205-219. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic.
Lew, A.A. (2002). Geotourism and what geographers do, Tourism Geographies, 4:4, 347-348.
Lew, A.A. (2000). China: A Growth Engine for Asian Tourism. In C. Michael Hall and Stephen Page, eds., Tourism in South and South East Asia: Issues and Cases, pp. 268-85. (Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann).
Kennedy, C.B. and Lew, A.A. (2000) Living on the Edge: Defending American Indian Reservation lands and
Culture. In J.R. Gold and G. Revill, eds., Landscapes of Defense, pp. 146-167. London: Prentice Hall. (pre-publication version)Lew, Alan A. (1999). Managing Tourist Space in Pueblo Villages of the American Southwest. In Singh, Tej Vir, ed., Tourism Development in Critical Environments. Elmsford, NY: Cognizant Communications Corporation (Tourism Dynamics Series, series editors: V. Smith and P. Wilkinson), pp. 120-36.
Lew, Alan A. and Chang, T.C. (1999). Where the World Meets: Regionalism and Globalization in Singapore’s Convention Industry. Journal of Convention and Exhibition Management (4):17-36 -- Download a Free ePrint from the publisher
Lew, A.A. (1998). American Indians in State Tourism Promotional Literature. In A.A. Lew and G. Van Otten, editors, Tourism and Gaming on American Indian Lands, pp. 15-31. Elmsford, NY: Cognizant Communications Corporation. (pre-publication version)
Lew, A.A. (1998). American Indian Reservation Tourism: A Survey of Resources and Practices. In A.A. Lew and G. Van Otten, editors, Tourism and Gaming on American Indian Lands, pp. 59-81. Elmsford, NY: Cognizant Communications Corporation. (pre-publication version)
Lew, Alan A. (1996). Tourism Management on American Indian Lands in the USA. Tourism Management 17(5):355-365.
Lew, Alan A. (1995). Overseas Chinese and Compatriots in China’s Tourism Development. In Lew, A. A. and L. Yu, eds., Tourism in China: Geographical, Political, and Economic Perspectives, (Boulder, CO: Westview Press), pp.155-75.
Lew, Alan A. (1992). Perceptions of Tourists and Tour Guides in Singapore. Journal of Cultural Geography 12(2):45-52.
Lew, Alan A. (1991). Place Representation in Tourist Guidebooks: An Example from Singapore. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 12(2):124-137.
Lew, Alan A. (1989). Authenticity and Sense of Place in the Tourism Development Experience of Older Retail Districts. Journal of Travel Research 27(4):15-22.
Lew, Alan A. (1988). Tourism and Place Studies: An Example of Older Retail Districts in Oregon. Journal of Geography 87(4): 122-124.
Lew, Alan A. (1987). A Framework of Tourist Attraction Research. Annals of Tourism Research 14(4):553-75.
Lew, Alan A. (1987). The English-Speaking Tourist and the Attractions of Singapore. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 8(1):44-59.