My Articles
ALL MY JOURNAL ARTICLES (excluding book reviews) - scroll down for book chapters
Lew, A.A. (2024) Why travel?: life explorations and ‘Tourism Geographies’ in a world of travel, in Tourism Geographies, Volume 26 Issue 8 - free eprint (up to 50 downloads)
Lew, A.A. (2020). Global conscious as a path to sustainable tourism: A perspective paper. Tourism Review, 75(1), 69-75. DOI: 10.1108/TR-07-2019-0291
Lew, A.A.; Cheer, Joseph M.; Haywood, Michael; Brouder, Patrick; and Salazar, Noel. (2020). Visions of travel and tourism after the global COVID-19 transformation of 2020. Tourism Geographies, 22:3, 455-466. (special issue introduction)
Zeng, Zhanjing; Chen, Po-Ju; and Lew, A.A. (2020). From high-touch to high-tech: COVID-19 drives robotics adoption. Tourism Geographies, 22:3, 724-734. (commentary)
Galvani, Adriana; Lew, A.A.; and Sotelo Perez, Maria. (2020). COVID-19 is expanding global consciousness and the sustainability of travel and tourism. Tourism Geographies, 22:3, 567-576. (commentary)
Chen, Fangfang; Xu, Honggang; and Lew, Alan A. (2019). Livelihood resilience in tourism communities: the role of human agency, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2019.1694029 [download free here - first 50 copies]
Merigó, José M.; Mulet-Forteza, Carles; Valencia, Cristina; & Lew, Alan A. (2019). Twenty years of Tourism Geographies: a bibliometric overview. Tourism Geographies, 21:5, 881-910, DOI: 10.1080/14616688.2019.1666913 [download free here - first 50 copies]
Lew, A.A. 2018. Why Travel? – Travel, Tourism and Global Consciousness. Tourism Geographies 20(4): 742-749.
Lew, A.A. 2017. Tourism Planning and Place Making: Place-Making or Placemaking? Tourism Geographies, 19(2), 448-466. [download free here - first 50 copies]
Cheer, Joseph and Lew, A.A. 2017. Sustainable Tourism Development: Toward Resilience in Tourism. Interactions: The official journal of the Geography Teachers’ Association of Victoria (Australia), 45 (1, March): 10-15.
Lew, A.A. and He, Jingming. 2016. Scale, Change and Resilience in Community Tourism Planning - Updated. Resource Science 38(9): 1635-1642. DOI:10.18402/resci.2016.09.01 (Institute of Geography and Resource Science, China Academy of Science) (in Chinese, translated from English by B. Gao)
Lew, A.A. 2016. Chinese-American Foods: Geography, Culture and Tourism. Journal of East Asian Studies. 14: 217-227.
Du, Ding, Lew, A.A. and Ng, Pin. 2016. Tourism and Economic Growth. Journal of Travel Research 55(4): 454-464. DOI: 0047287514563167
Lew, A.A., Ng., Pin T., Ni, Chin-Cheng., and Wu, Tsung-Chiung. 2016. Community Sustainability and Resilience: Similarities, Differences and Indicators. Tourism Geographies 18(1):18-27. (pre-publication version)
Wu, Yue-Fang, Xu, Hong-Gang, and Lew, A.A. 2015. Consumption-Led Mobilized Urbanism: Socio-Spatial Separation in the Second-Home City of Sanya. Mobilities 10(1):136-154. DOI: 10.1080/17450101.2013.853952
Nyaupane, Gyan, Lew, A.A., and Tatsugawa, K. 2014. Perceptions of trekking tourism and social and environmental change in Nepal's Himalayas. Tourism Geographies 16(3): 415-437. DOI:10.1080/14616688.2014.942233
Lew, A.A. 2013. Defining Community Resilience in Community Based Tourism: Miso Walai and Pulau Mabul in Sabah, Malaysia. BIMP-EAGA Journal of Sustainable Tourism Development 2(2): 40-43. Online at
Lew, A.A. 2013. Scale, change and resilience in community tourism planning. Tourism Geographies 16(1): 14-22. DOI:10.1080/14616688.2013.864325.
Lew, A.A. 2012. Tourism Incognita: Experiencing the Liminal Edge of Destination Places. Études Caribéennes (Caribbean Studies), available online 24 November 2012, DOI : 10.4000/etudescaribeennes.5232
Ma, Ling and Lew, A.A. 2012. Historical and Geographical Context in Festival Tourism Development. Journal of Heritage Tourism 7(1): 13-31,
Ng, Pin T and Lew, A.A. 2012. Using Quantile Regression to Understand Visitor Spending. Journal of Travel Research 51(3): 278-288.
Lew, A.A. 2011. Tourism’s Role in the Global Economy. Tourism Geographies 13(1): 148-151. (Commentary)
Lew, A. A. 2011. Under Understanding Experiential Authenticity through the Best Tourism Places. Tourism Geographies 13(4): 570-575. (Commentary)
Huang, Xiang; Bao, Jigang, and Lew, A.A. 2011. Nature-based Tourism Resources Privatization in China: A System Dynamic Analysis of Opportunities and Risks. Tourism Recreation Research 36(2): 99-111.
Lew, A.A. 2008. Long Tail Tourism: New geographies for marketing niche tourism products. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing 25(3/4): 409-419.
Xie, Philip Feifan and Lew, A.A. 2008. Podcasting and Tourism: An Exploratory Study of Types, Approaches and Content. Journal of Information Technology and Tourism 10(2): 173-180 <>.
Lew, A.A. 2007. Invited Commentary: Tourism Planning and Traditional Urban Planning Theory: Planners as Agents of Social Change. Leisure/Loisir: Journal of the Canadian Association of Leisure Studies, 31(2):383-392.
Lew, A.A. and McKercher, Bob. 2006. Modeling the Movement of Tourists in a Local Destination. Annals of Tourism Research 33(2): 403-423.
Lew, A.A.; Beltz, Jennifer B. and Combrink, Tom. 2005. Management, Interpretation and Visitor Perception in Remote National Parks: Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Ceiadeiros, Brazil. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 3(1):1-18.
McKercher, Bob and Lew, A.A. 2003. Distance Decay and the Impact of Effective Tourism Exclusion Zones on International Travel Flows. Journal of Travel Research 42 (2, November): 159-165.
Lew, A.A. and Wong, A. 2003. News from the Motherland: A content analysis of existential tourism magazines in China . Tourism Culture and Communication 4(2):83-94.
Lew, A.A. and McKercher, Bob. 2002. Trip Destinations, Gateways and Itineraries: The Example of Hong Kong. Tourism Management 23 (6, December): 609-621.
Hawley, R. Dawn; Lew, A.A.; and Daugherty, Carolyn. 2001. Combining Participation Techniques to Identify Community Issues. Interact. (July; International Association for Public Participation,
Lew, A.A. 1999. Tourism and the Southeast Asian Crises of 1997 and 1998: A View from Singapore. Current Issues in Tourism 2(4): 304-15.
Lew, A.A. and Chang, T.C. 1999. Where the World Meets: Regionalism and Globalization in Singapore’s Convention Industry. Journal of Convention and Exhibition Management 1(4):17-36.
Lew, A.A. and Wilkerson, Jeffrey. 1997. Settlement History and Tourism Development in Two Arizona Mountain Communities. Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers 59: 87-100. (published in 1999)
Lew, A.A. 1998. Ecotourism Trends. Annals of Tourism Research 25(3):742-6.
Yu, Lawrence and Lew, A.A.. 1997. Airline Liberalization and Development in China. Pacific Tourism Review 1(2):129-136.
Zhang, Yongwei and Lew, A.A. 1997. The People’s Republic of China: Two Decades of Tourism. Pacific Tourism Review 1(2):161-172.
Lew, A.A. 1996. Tourism Management on American Indian Lands in the US. Tourism Management 17(5):355-65.
Lew, A.A. 1994. Tourism Development Strategies in Smaller Communities of the Southwest. Trends (National Recreation and Parks Association/National Park Service) 31(1):18-21.
Lew, A.A. 1992. Perceptions of Tourists and Tour Guides in Singapore. Journal of Cultural Geography 12(2):45-52.
Lew, A.A. 1991. Place Representation in Tourist Guidebooks: An Example from Singapore. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 12(2):124-137.
Lew, A.A. 1991. Scenic Roads and Rural Development in the U.S. Tourism Recreation Research Journal 16(2):23-30.
Lew, A.A. 1989. Authenticity and Sense of Place in the Tourism Development Experience of Older Retail Districts. Journal of Travel Research 27(4):15-22.
Lew, A.A. 1988. Tourism and Place Studies: An Example of Oregon’s Older Retail Districts. Journal of Geography 87(4)122-6.
Lew, A.A. 1987. A Framework of Tourist Attraction Research. Annals of Tourism Research 14(4):553-75.
Lew, A.A. 1987. The English-Speaking Tourist and the Attractions of Singapore. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 8(1):44-59.
Lew, A.A. 1987. The History, Policies and Social Impact of International Tourism in the Peoples Republic of China. Asian Profile 15(2, April):117-28.
Lew, A.A. 1985. Bringing Tourists to Town. Small Town 16(1)August:4-10.
Lew, A.A. 1984. Singapore: Some Considerations of Size and its Impact. Transition, Journal of the Socially and Ecologically Responsible Geographers 14(3):25-30.
Lew, A.A. 1983. Evolving Geothermal Landscapes of Puna, Hawaii. Transition, Journal of the Socially and Ecologically Responsible Geographers 13(3):2-9.